What do YOU want to experience/see at CTIF22?
We are getting ready for another edition of the Civic Tech Innovation Forum. We have received great feedback from the community about all the different activities at our previous convenings. This year, we are getting YOU involved in curating the convening into one that is meaningful and exciting for our community.
Our theme is CTIF22: UNPLUGGED (but still connecting). This will be a hybrid event.
We are calling on all innovators, dreamers, and doers to contribute their ideas to this convening. This year’s forum is set for October 2022, and we are looking for awesome, interesting, insightful, fun and SUPERSTAR SPEAKERS in the civic tech space. It could be you, or someone else. Please volunteer your/their names in the link below in addition, we would also love to hear from you about any engaging and fun SESSION IDEAS you may have for the forum. Use the link below to share your ideas. Please take a moment to answer this short user survey and contribute your suggestions for forum speakers and activities
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