We are growing — Meet CTIN’s new regional ambassadors

We are excited to launch our flagship Regional Ambassadors Programme (RAP) in 2022, a programme aimed at strengthening regional connection and participation in the civic tech space.

CTIN Ambassadors

RAP grew out of CTIN’s intentions to function as a Pan-African Community of Practice (CoP) in response to ever-increasing interest from the wider African civic tech community, a testament to the need for a community for people in this space.

We would like to welcome our uniquely positioned organisational ambassadors representing four regions in Africa.

  1. Pollicy is representing East Africa
  2. Magamba Network representing Southern Africa
  3. Chad Innovation representing Central Africa
  4. and finally, ccHub representing West Africa

The impact of civic innovators on the African continent continues to grow. CTIN has been at the forefront of documenting their impact but also bringing together this community of practice from all over the continent. This is progress we pride ourselves in. There is much to be done towards creating a stronger network of African civic tech initiatives that share our vision of increasing awareness about civic tech and growing the network of innovators using tech for good.

Look out for more announcements about the programme on all our platforms. Join the network here

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