Associated case studies:
Key Individuals:
Project owner/Host organisation:
Transparency International Kenya
Host organisation type:
Non-Profit, Intergovernmental
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Host organisation country/countries:
Project objective categories:
Advocacy Tech, Watchdogging and transparency
Project technologies:
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Rada Corruption Database
Post Status:
Initiative recipient country/countries: Kenya
Initiative dates: –
Last updated: 8 March 2022
Initiative Description
Transparency International Kenya recently launched the ‘Rada Database’, which is the most comprehensive and ambitious attempt to track and document all cases on corruption processed through the courts. Its ambition is also to track all the cases that are under investigation or prosecution and to understand the paths they travel through the legal system while learning from different milestones. The Rada Database is informed by the need to use technology and access to information to make it possible to answer a myriad of questions through analytics drawing from a comprehensive database of corruption cases in Kenya. The database tracks as many variables and parameters as possible to help the curious researcher, journalist, policymaker or just interested citizen draw insights from the data on the fight against corruption through the law enforcement lens. With regard to the Judiciary, the database allows decision-makers to use insights from the analytics to better manage corruption cases within the courts.
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