Associated case studies:
Key Individuals:
Project owner/Host organisation:
Ongea na Demokrasia
Host organisation type:
[icon name=”envelope-square” prefix=”fas”]
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Host organisation country/countries:
Tanzania, United Republic Of
Project objective categories:
Advocacy Tech, Civic data, Communicating with the government, Crowdsourced data collection, Data science, Engagement, Govtech, Issue reporting, Media, Online forums, Open data platforms, Open data portals, Open innovation, Organise campaigns, Voting and elections, Watchdogging and transparency
Project technologies:
Data, Email, Social Media, Website
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Ongea na Demokrasia
Post Status: Active
Initiative recipient country/countries: Tanzania, United Republic Of
Initiative dates: 2022 –
Last updated: 31 October 2023
Initiative Description
Ongea na Demokrasia, seeks to (i) sensitise citizens on the importance of democratic culture and digital democracy and (ii) to develop open digital civic spaces, including the open C2G (Citizen to Government) digital platform, ‘Sema Tanzania’ meaning ‘Say Tanzania’ to facilitate the same and meaningful youth participation. This begins with a research study to inform and extract objective reasoning to support their mission.
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