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[icon name=”envelope-square” prefix=”fas”]
[icon name=”phone-square-alt” prefix=”fas”] 0700-446-8683
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Voting and elections
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Post Status: Active
Initiative recipient country/countries: Nigeria
Initiative dates: –
Last updated: 7 April 2022
Initiative Description
GoVote.Ng is a platform and campaign to educate Nigerians on how to register to vote in the country’s General Elections and to mobilize them to do so. GoVote provides information to first time voters on what to expect on election day, voter education - around responsible conduct before and during the elections, and aggregation of information points geared towards helping voters make informed choices about candidates and conducting citizen surveys on election governance. The platform empowers Nigeria's to be active citizens and to vote in the 2023 General Elections. It is a project of CcHUB, supported by Luminate and the National Endowment for Democracy.
We understand how significant technology is in our world today, and why we need to harness and leverage it to change the dynamics of the election in Nigeria. One of our major goals is to leverage technology and our community networks to mobilize and register 5,0000,000 people aged 18-40 by the 2023 elections. Follow us on all social media platform @govote.ng and visit our website for more information on the voting and registration process.
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