Associated case studies:
Key Individuals:
Project owner/Host organisation:
The Open Intitute
Host organisation type:
[icon name=”envelope-square” prefix=”fas”]
[icon name=”phone-square-alt” prefix=”fas”]
[icon name=”external-link-square-alt” prefix=”fas”] https://openinstitute.africa/programmes/responsive-government/data-governance/
Host organisation country/countries:
Project objective categories:
Civic data, Data science, Data visualization tools and platforms
Project technologies:
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Data Governance – #RestoreDataRights
Post Status: Active
Initiative recipient country/countries: Kenya
Initiative dates: –
Last updated: 8 March 2022
Initiative Description
Data Governance is an important component of enabling our mission because we believe that while the world needs better quality and more granular data to achieve its development goals, people’s rights must also be protected zealously.In partnership with Amnesty International, the Open Institute aims to bring together expertise in data for human rights and data for development towards strengthening data governance in Kenya and Africa as a whole. Building on the momentum created by an event dubbed #RestoreDataRights, which ended with calls from African civil society organisations and academic representatives for policy tools and frameworks that could help to ensure that sensitive personal data used as part of the pandemic response is used responsibly, the project will work to ensure responsible data use and protect people’s data rights.
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