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Loise Mwakamba
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Mzalendo Trust

In line with its themes of ‘Openness, Inclusion and Accountability of Parliament’, Mzalendo’s Dokeza - Swahili for ‘share your idea’- is a Bill annotation platform that is an innovative tool that has the capacity to radically change public participation in the law-making process. It is an online platform for citizens and corporate entities to track the legislative process in Parliament a modern and accessible manner.
As a public participation tool, Dokeza allows stakeholders to scrutinize Bills, offer commentary and draft memoranda for submission to Parliament. To give one’s views, one can annotate or comment on the Bill and save or share their contributions on social media. Annotation connotes providing views on a specific provision of the Bill while comments are given as a general overview of the Bill at the end. Online editing is enabled too. At the end of this process, Mzalendo collates the numerous contributions on a Bill and generates memoranda to submit to Parliament directly. At the end of the public participation process, we can track the number of users that have engaged with a specific legislation. Recent upgrades now allow users to create and save their Memorandum on the platform.
Mzalendo Trust - Enhancing transparent and accountable Parliaments in Kenya and across Africa.

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